...I Hate About You (New Media)

I hate you when you influence my private life
and I hate it when you make me forget how people really look like.

I hate you when the internet connection fails and I could not save anything and
I hate when I don't know what you want me to do.

I hate you when I see old printed pictures from the time before you existed
and I hate you when you do not work the way I want you to.
I hate you because you develop too fast and always renew.
I hate you because I often lose control over you.

I hate the way you make me dependent and stay in front of the computer all day and
I hate that I can't really hate you any longer regarding my way!

...I Love About You

I love you when you make me keep in touch with people I like,
I love you as you give me opportunities people have dreamt of all their lives.
I love you when you ease my life and my day and
I love you when you amuse my work in a certain way.

I love you so much when you teach me new things,

and for keeping me up-to-date in all daily happenings.
I love you indeed for your networking skills and
I love you for turning innovation into one of your first wills.

I love that I can use you at school for teaching English in a modern way
and or even if the children love and know you even better than me - day by day.

added: 17 November 2010, by Helena following "10 Things I hate About You"